Dear Partner Agencies
It is with great excitement that we announce registration is open for Second Harvest Food Bank’s 5th Annual Partner Agency Conference!
The conference is returning to Calvary Orlando on Friday, March 20, 2020.
Please see the attached invitation and registration link: https://www.feedhopenow.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=RSVP_agency
Be sure to RSVP by February 14th. Registration is limited to 2 attendees per agency. Please Register by using the link above.
We strive to move into 2020 together with a clear vision and direction to fight hunger and feed hope in Central Florida. Please join us for the exciting opportunity to connect with your fellow hunger fighting partners, learn more about the needs and resources in our community, and to commit to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.
We look forward to connecting with you on March 20th!
Thank you for all that you do!