As Second Harvest’s Culinary Training Program students approach the end of the 16-week program, they begin to look for a place to start their new career. One way Second Harvest helps students succeed in the local food industry is through hands-on experiences. One career path could be to work in a hotel kitchen. The Hyatt Regency Orlando recently hosted our students for a field trip so they can better understand what would be required of them in a hotel kitchen.
“Today is all about showing the students the opportunities in front of them when they graduate,” explained Dan Markewicz, Hyatt Regency Orlando’s area recruiter.

The field trip began with a tour of the kitchens to learn about the different positions and how they work together to execute the chef’s vision. Executive Chef David Barrett explained that it does not matter where you start in the food industry, “If you work for the job you want, you will be able to move up and one-day achieve your dream job.”
After hearing from Chef Barrett, the students more excited about their careers and all of the positive changes happening in their lives.
“My mom taught me how to cook and I love it. Ever since then I have dreamed of being a chef,” said culinary student Karlen Franis. “Second Harvest has given me hope that I can achieve this goal and now I am very excited to start my career.”

Throughout the day, students visited different kitchens on the property. This eye-opening experience helped some students visualize the types of careers they can pursue.
“I have always loved to bake,” explained culinary student Silvia Perero. “Being able to go into the pastry kitchen helped me realize that is something I can do as a career.”
The tour ended with the students meeting Jorge Daupub, a Culinary Training Program graduate who now works at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. He shared with the students about how he was able to get a job at the Hyatt when the program was over and how his life has changed because of Second Harvest.
“Second Harvest is going to change your life,” said Jorge. “Second Harvest changed my life by giving me the opportunity to train for a better job that I love. Now my life is way better.”
Many thanks to the Hyatt Regency Orlando for giving our students the opportunity to visit a hotel kitchen.

Read more about the many graduates who have benefited from our Culinary Training Program at