Brevard County

Agency Contact Form

We understand that things can change over time and in an effort to provide accurate information to the community you can keep us up to date here! Please fill out the below information to update your agencies information. Click here to use our new Agency Contact Update Form!

New Partner Agency Application

With so many new ways of life greeting us in 2020, we have decided to go digital with our Partner Agency Applications in 2021!! To ensure that we keep with all incoming applications, we wanted to ensure that we created an efficient process moving forward. While we did love the old way, we think that providing a […]

Summer is Off to a Hot Start with Hot Meals for Kids

Second Harvest’s 12th annual Summer Food Program completed its first month of service on June 28th. Throughout the month of June, Second Harvest’s fleet of trailers delivered over 102,610 breakfasts, hot lunches, and snacks to 98 participating locations in six counties, including YMCA’s, Parks and Recreation Centers, summer camps, libraries and churches.

Hello Opportunities

As Second Harvest’s Culinary Training Program students approach the end of the 16-week program, they begin to look for a place to start their new career. One way Second Harvest helps students succeed in the local food industry is through hands-on experiences. One career path could be to work in a hotel kitchen. The Hyatt […]

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