Preparing for Summer Food Services for Local Children

SFSP 1With the recent unseasonably cold temperatures in Central Florida, it’s hard to imagine that summer vacation for county students is a mere 66 school days away.

Second Harvest Food Bank will seamlessly transition from its Kids Cafe Afternoon Meal Program (AMP) to The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).

This USDA funded program allows us to provide free, nutritious, prepared meals to children ages 18 and under while school cafeterias are closed.

Community centers, summer camps, churches and other nonprofit organizations may participate. Additionally, for-profit, low income residential complexes may also host sites.

Last summer’s expansion into Brevard County was effective at reaching children in needy areas. Our plans are to once again sponsor sites in that county.

The program will operate for a total of 56 days.

Since becoming sponsors in 2008, Second Harvest Food Bank, in partnership with 76 sites, has served more than 394,700 meals. This summer, breakfasts, lunches and healthy snacks will be available daily at approximately 50 locations in four counties.

The Summer Food Service Program:

  • Helps feed children and teens when school is out and unable to access school cafeterias.
  • Attracts more youngsters to activities that help them learn in safe environments during summer months.
  • Helps parents stretch food dollars.
  • Saves money on food so that community-based organizations may provide additional programming or serve more children.
  • Gives children and teens a chance to interact with peers, participate in organized activities, and be physically active.

We seek to partner with low-income residential complexes where needy or displaced families live; particularly in Kissimmee’s State Road 192 corridor.

If you’d like to be considered as a potential site, please follow this link to download an application and view requirements for participation.

School districts are the largest sponsors. You can reach them by following these links.

Orange County Summer Food
Seminole School District
Osceola District Campus Grille

To learn more about the Summer Food Program:

Video: USDA Summer Food Overview

If you are a parent or guardian wishing to locate a serving location for children, click on the links below.

Second Harvest Summer Sites (This site will be updated as sites are added,)
Search for Florida Sites

Second Harvest’s locations primarily operate as “open sites”. All children 18 and under in the surrounding community are welcome.

Santos Maldonado
Childhood Hunger Programs Manager

Summer Break Spot


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Preparing for Summer Food Services for Local Children
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