Farewell from Paula

Paula FarewellI’ve had the opportunity and privilege of working with Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida for six years. I can still remember my interview with Erin and thinking how mammoth our warehouse was at the Brengle location. I was blown away with SHFB then and I continue to be amazed not only by what we do but what you our agencies do every day.

I have seen pantries grow from a few shelves to the size of classrooms. Stats increase from 20 families a month to over 200. It has been my greatest honor to assist you, our partner agencies, in that growth.

I feel so lucky to have worked with the best of the best in Central Florida! Every single person has had an effect on me; I can only hope that I have impacted you in a positive way. From the staff at SHFB (including Volusia and Brevard Branches) to every volunteer at our agencies, you have helped save a life from a few moments of pain and brought more than just a smile to their face, you have brought hope.

My last day at SHFB will be Friday, May 6, 2016. I wish you all the best and THANK YOU for always being vigilant about caring for vulnerable people in Central Florida.


Farewell from Paula

One thought on “Farewell from Paula

  1. Goodbye Paula, you will be missed and thank you for all your help over the years . God bless you.

    First United Methodist Geneva

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