Volusia County

Learn more about The Child Hunger Corps Program

The Child Hunger Corps (CHC) program was established in 2010 via a partnership between Feeding America and the ConAgra Foods Foundation. The Child Hunger Corps came out of a recommendation of the 2008 Child Hunger Strategy Team. The network identified staffing capacity as one of the largest barriers to being able to expand child hunger programs, and […]

Save the Date!

Attention Partner Agencies! It’s time to get excited and Save the Date! Second Harvest Food Bank is excited to announce that our 2nd Annual Partner Network Conference will be on Thursday, March 9, 2017.  We are excited to be able to invite all of our agencies this year. Be on the lookout for your invitation and […]

Hermine Couldn’t Stop This Mobile Drop

Meet the team from Lutheran Church of Providence who had their first mobile drop on August 31…during the rain of Tropical depression Hermine. Did it slow the crowd down? Of course not! Did it slow the volunteers down? Absolutely not! Kathi Grages (pictured center), was thrilled to see the quality product that was dropped off that rainy morning. […]

Second Harvest’s Partner Agency Council

A little over 3 years ago, Second Harvest Food Bank created a Partner Agency Council. The purpose of the Council was to have a key group of partner agencies meet monthly, and be able to think strategically about things happening in the food bank and related to the other partner agencies. Early on, we consulted our partner […]

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