Agency Relations

Lunch with Dave

During the month of September we hosted three “Lunch with Dave” events with our Partner Agencies to give them an overview of the Vision 2020 Strategic Plan, and other happenings within the Food Bank. Fifty agency staff and volunteers attended. Our agencies tell us they always enjoy the opportunity to have face to face time with […]

Welcome, Cheyanna Johnson, Child Hunger Corps Member

Cheyanna joined our Agency Relations & Programs team in August. She comes to us via Feeding America’s Child Hunger Corps. The Child Hunger Corps is a national service program that helps member food banks increase the number of meals served to children and their families. Cheyanna will serve at Second Harvest for two years, segmented […]

Hermine Couldn’t Stop This Mobile Drop

Meet the team from Lutheran Church of Providence who had their first mobile drop on August 31…during the rain of Tropical depression Hermine. Did it slow the crowd down? Of course not! Did it slow the volunteers down? Absolutely not! Kathi Grages (pictured center), was thrilled to see the quality product that was dropped off that rainy morning. […]

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