March kicks off National Nutrition Month. This year’s theme is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.” Here are 5 ways you can do just that.
1. Shop in-season. Purchasing fruits and vegetables in-season gives you the biggest bang for your buck. In Florida, we find an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables all year long. Find out what’s in-season month-by-month with this handy chart from Fresh from Florida.
2. Try a new recipe. Are you tired of eating the same foods cooked the same way? Do you have items in your pantry that you’re just not sure how to cook with? Visit the USDA’s Mixing Bowl to search for simple, affordable and nutritious recipes. Find food facts and recipes for various commodity foods, from lima beans to canned meat.
3. Plant a vegetable garden. Now is the time. Plant corn, cucumber, eggplant and various leafy greens for a summer harvest. If you’d like to learn more about gardening, read the gardening guide provided by the University of Florida IFAS Extension. Consider creating a small kitchen garden with your children. Get a head start by re-growing any of these 16 fruits and vegetables.
4. Did you know that volunteering is not only good for the community but it’s also good for your health? According to the Corporation for National & Community Service, “those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who do not volunteer.” Volunteering also helps strengthen the ability to solve problems and connect with others, making it a great family activity. If you are interested in volunteering with your family, friends, school, church, company, or individually, you can view available shifts on our Volunteer Hub. Make sure you check out more information about our Family Nights while there.
5. Get moving. Exercise is important for the whole family—children and adults alike. Research shows that students who earn mostly A’s are almost twice as likely to get regular physical activity than students who receive mostly D’s and F’s. Physical activity can help students focus, improve behavior and boost positive attitudes. Aim for 60 minutes a day. Visit Making Health Easier for more information.
If you have other ideas to share on how to bite into a healthy lifestyle, please share with a comment below.
Maria Ali Conley, RD, LD/N
Nutrition Manager