Healthy Items Available Through (PUR) Power Purchase

As a food bank, we are preparing ourselves to work with others in the community who want to make an impact on community health. Along with providing nutrition education, we will distribute as much nutrient-rich food as possible into the communities we serve. With the help of our partner agency network, we distributed 18 million pounds of fresh produce in the last year alone.

We’ve recently compiled a list of shelf-stable items that can be ordered through our Power Purchase (PUR) program. These items align with Feeding America’s Foods to Encourage (F2E) framework. The F2E framework supports USDA’s MyPlate recommendations for consuming more fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.

When making your order, we encourage you to select more of these items to promote better health for the clients you serve. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our Nutrition Manager at


Healthy Items Available Through (PUR) Power Purchase
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